Thursday, March 17, 2011

Feet Touching the Floor

After a morning of green pancakes and buttoning green shirts, I will forever remember this St. Patrick's Day as the one where I realized that my children have grown up right before my eyes...but I just wasn't looking.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


All is right with the world again!
Dan made it out of surgery with flying colors!  Dr. Nagda was very nice and professional, and even a little cool!  He took pictures throughout the surgery and showed them to me afterward--it was like looking inside a chicken breast.  I had no idea what I was seeing, but he seemed to think it was awesome that these metal anchors and sutures that repaired Dan's tear in his shoulder tendon fixed everything.  So, I think it's awesome, too!

He has this huge black sling contraption to keep his arm stabilized, and he basically can't do anything with only his left arm.  So here I am, the helper, trying so hard not to hover while still being available for anything Dan needs.  It's very bizarre to be in this position, only for the fact that I haven't had to "help" him like this almost ever.  There was that one time when we were dating that he got either food poisoning or a 24 hour bug that was so bad, he had to stay overnight because he was too sick to drive the half hour home.  But other than that, he is the rock.  But I can be granite, too, so I will do my best as he recovers!

He is resting comfortably on the couch with our 5 year-old, so I am headed to the bus stop to get our older child.  Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers--they helped him get through without any complications.
Pictures to come later.
Thanks for reading!!

At the Hospital

So here I am, sitting in the Blue Waiting Room as my husband gets a nerve block to make his right arm and shoulder completely numb.  We are in limbo as he goes in to have his shoulder repaired by a competent, so Dan says, surgeon.  It's a bit surreal, knowing that my seemingly healthy spouse will be almost unconscious the next time I see him.  I am very much up to the task of being his nurse and helpmate.  What disturbs me is not being able to prepare for what the next couple of hours will create.  I should be used to this, I guess, from our continually mobile military life, but preparing for the unknown is pointless.  This is what that life has taught me. 
I have been turning to God all week, all morning, as my wonderful, handsome, loving, caring and strong husband is in His hands.  I can only pray for Him to give the surgeon the knowledge and strength to make the right incisions, the right sutures, and the most detailed and skillful hands imaginable today as he works on the love of my life.  If you are reading this, I ask you to take a moment, close your eyes and ask God the same thing for me. 
I really appreciate it.
Thanks for reading!