Tuesday, December 21, 2010

6 month hiatus is over

Well, nothin' like a 6 month vacation from writing to really put things into perspective.  I have missed posting things, especially when I think of how great I could communicate to you my viewpoint.  Funny how life seems to get in the way of virtually every post I have wanted to write since June 21st [oh, and the fact that I am usually driving in the car or just about to drift off to sleep when the ideas come].  Here are some that I will probably revisit in the coming months: cruising and why I probably will never do it again; my fight to get much needed funds from our county government for schools; home is where the Coast Guard sends us; Shlomi's indie flick; volunteerism in America. .  . the list could go on forever.  But today, I have to share a cathartic moment.  Tomorrow, I will just give you a couple of tidbits from the last 6 months so maybe you will keep reading and visiting my blog!