Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Snow day under the lid

Good Tuesday Morning, Readers!
It is a snow day here in Northern Virginia.  The kids have off from school due to ice/snow accumulation (For you northerners, go ahead and laugh.  But we don't have the staff to help with the mess it creates here in Vergeeneeyah!) so we are all in our pajamas.  I am currently listening to the screams and yells of sibling rivalry along with the hum of the TV.  Oh, and did I mention that it's only 8 am? 

Saturday, February 12, 2011


I figured that, as with any undertaking, I need a goal...a mission statement of sorts.  I really like my fellow bloggers because they stand for something.  Actually, they stand for many things. And so do I....

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Update on Tramp

Have you ever watched those Animal Cops show on Animal Planet?  Ella is addicted to them and has recently gotten me hooked.  Well, I have to say that Prince William Animal Control Officers are great, and I truly appreciate what they do around here to keep animals safe.


I looked at the calendar today and was thrilled to see that, aside from taking the kids to school and the usual daily routine, I had nothing planned!  "Ha, ha, ha!"  says God.  "That's what she thinks!  I have other plans for her today."    (Don't stop reading just because I mentioned Him in this post--you'll see why in a minute!)  Right now I am waiting for Animal Control....

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

It's time to take the cover off

Hello, wonderful Readers!
Thanks for sticking with me and not unsubscribing to my posts.  I know they have been few and far between.  However, I had a bit of an epiphany today that has led me to this post and to future posts.