Well, nothin' like a 6 month vacation from writing to really put things into perspective. I have missed posting things, especially when I think of how great I could communicate to you my viewpoint. Funny how life seems to get in the way of virtually every post I have wanted to write since June 21st [oh, and the fact that I am usually driving in the car or just about to drift off to sleep when the ideas come]. Here are some that I will probably revisit in the coming months: cruising and why I probably will never do it again; my fight to get much needed funds from our county government for schools; home is where the Coast Guard sends us; Shlomi's indie flick; volunteerism in America. . . the list could go on forever. But today, I have to share a cathartic moment. Tomorrow, I will just give you a couple of tidbits from the last 6 months so maybe you will keep reading and visiting my blog!
I just mailed off our Christmas gifts to family members whom we won't see this holiday season, and it felt like turning in that 50 page paper that you'd been working on tirelessly for 2 straight days without sleep. I spent 10 hours yesterday getting gifts ready, wrapping presents, and actually creating many of the presents now under the care of UPS. I thought that making some gifts would be smarter this year. Okay, so smarter in the financial aspect does not mean smarter in the stress or time management departments. But with that said, I am very proud of what I have done. When I was in the UPS store and the clerk took back the last labeled package to wait with the rest of the brown truck "passengers" for pickup, I just stood there, aimless and unsure of what to do next. Every second of the past 3 weeks has been scheduled and accounted for, but I hadn't anticipated the lack of catharsis after it was all done. In my head, I knew no one was going to applaud me for what , to me, was a major feat, but . . . now what?! If I was a bar person, I suspect that I would have gone and had a drink. But seeing as I don't even know where the closest bar is (well, except for WineStyles, but I've never been there alone), oh, and the fact that my own Santa's elf was 4 and in tow, we headed for Starbucks. I'll pop the bottle of wine (or make a Dark and Stormy--ooohh, that sounds gooood!) tonight.
[Spoiler alert: if Matt or Amanda is reading this, close your eyes if you want to be surprised.]
Here's one of my creations.
I have had this fabric since before my friend, Elise, had her 2nd daughter, Naomi, who is almost 2 (is that even right?). But so much has gotten in the way of me doing any sort of creative task that it was put aside. No more, my friends--not anymore! I love creating things and you may just get one of these on your birthday or one day for no reason at all!!
I have to sign off and pick up my beautiful Daisy from her meeting (precursor to Brownies), but I will leave you with the picture I should have put on our Christmas card but was overlooked. This was taken in sub-20 degree weather at the National Christmas tree lighting on the Ellipse in DC. [No, Dan didn't get shorter--he's kneeling.] Happy holidays! Thanks for reading!
Looking for Signs
6 years ago
great photo! I notice that you've posted 11 times in 2010 and only 10 times in 2009. Good for you! I love to see your craft projects. I need to get my sewing machine fixed. Something is weird with the bobbin. Keep posting. It's fun to read about all you and the family are doing. Smiles, Steph