Tuesday, February 8, 2011

It's time to take the cover off

Hello, wonderful Readers!
Thanks for sticking with me and not unsubscribing to my posts.  I know they have been few and far between.  However, I had a bit of an epiphany today that has led me to this post and to future posts.

Procrastination has long been a strong suit of mine.  Until recently, I could never get up and just do what I needed to do until it looked like the shot clock was going into single digits and I was forced to make the 3 pointer. I usually made the shot, and it was a beautiful one, but really?  Was it so necessary to bring on all that stress when I could have easily made it with 23 seconds to spare, instead of 3? [Aside: I love basketball!  NBA is my fave but I am looking for an NCAA team to follow if you have a recommendation.  Funny, though, how I married a guy that is 6'6" who watches it less than I do.  Dream weekend--tickets to every event at the All-Star weekend, trip for 2 paid for!]  So, I figured that not doing posts was just another part of my -tion, -ism, -ing.  But back to that epiphany...

I subscribe to a few blogs and have recently added a few more to my list reading favorites (I love it when they come to my email inbox!  You can do that with mine, too, if you don't mind the posts coming a bit more frequently now.)  Through friends who write and others who know I love writing and good writers, I have had the opportunity to read some fantastic online authors.  For years, I have read Barb Cooper in So The Thing Is... and she most recently put me onto One Crafty Mother.

So what about the B-Jeweled Coastie Wife?  I really, really want you to want to read my blog. . . not because I need ratings or get money (I don't get any, by the way) or anything.  I mean, it may be sort of silly, but I want you to like me.  Life always seems to come down to the most base part of who we are.  I want you to keep coming back, like a good friend.  So, I thought, what is it about these blogs that made me want to subscribe?  Why do I keep coming back to them?  I've never met them.  My kids don't know their kids.  In an odd way, it sort of seems weird that I follow their blogs--sort of stalkery-like. (Don't you just love the grammatical license that I am taking right now?!?!) Yes, they are good writers, so that makes sense.  But that's not it, because if that was the only thing I'm looking for, then I would subscribe to every top newspaper and magazine in the world (now that's a lot of reading!).  Nope, there's something else.

I finally figured it out.  They have taken off the cover over their lives and let me see them in all their naked glory (not literally, you pervert).  The blogs I read are real women like me; they have kids; they want peace in our world; they want to feel good emotionally, spiritually, physically; they are real. Period.  And that's my problem.

This is why I have not been able to blog.  I am afraid that you will see my "realness". 

I wanted to initially write to give you peeks into our world, while maybe also spreading the news about things I like.  But honestly, I seem to procrastinate on something when it just doesn't feel right.  If you really want to know the truth, I have learned that, sometimes, it's God telling me to mull over whatever it is.  And in my experience, he is always right.

I haven't wanted to write those posts.  I want to write about the world I am in.  Why I miss the sun...why I love to create...my family...my struggles...the list can go on and on.  I hope that you will want to see what else is on that list.

So, in lieu of sounding crass, here I am, World, in all my nakedness.  I hope that you won't judge me, but if you do, then that is your issue, not mine.  I hope that you might find some insight into who I am, what my family is like, and what it's like in Bishop world (or Yaggy world, as Elise would say).
I am ready to write about what's on my mind with the goal of never "bashing" anyone.  But, I just realized that I have to go pick up my daughter from Daisies. [Lots of laughter inside]  Such is the life of a mom who loves her kids!

1 comment:

  1. You go girl! I feel much the same way you do! You are ahead of me though. I blogged once in 2010. Wanting so badly to get better at it! :) Your right, it is God's plan and His timing! :) XXOO, Love from England, Cindy
