It is a snow day here in Northern Virginia. The kids have off from school due to ice/snow accumulation (For you northerners, go ahead and laugh. But we don't have the staff to help with the mess it creates here in Vergeeneeyah!) so we are all in our pajamas. I am currently listening to the screams and yells of sibling rivalry along with the hum of the TV. Oh, and did I mention that it's only 8 am?
It's impossible to sleep in on days like this when you wake up at 6 to see if school is cancelled. But going back to sleep is out of the question, too, with kids who're already up and wanting food. Rather than beating 'em, (Love that pun! it a pun or just irony?) I joined 'em. We watched the documentary, Babies, (with my own 7 and 5 year-old babies in my lap) which was fun. Now, I am enjoying the day working on some editing and event scheduling for the 5K run that I am coordinating. Yes, you heard right. I have reluctantly taken on this gynormous task, but it's a good test for whether or not I can just organize others instead of micromanaging, which is my tendency as a type A, oldest child, obnoxious woman. So far, the organizing is going well, but it's a bit overwhelming as I try to pin down those who volunteered--it doesn't help that my last 2 meetings were cancelled due to [hmm, hmm] SNOW! But someone has taken the place of overachiever-it-must-be-perfect-Anne (unfortunately, they left the procrastinator part behind) and become the it-will-happen-the-way-it-happens-Anne, because this new Anne can't worry about every detail. All she can do is try to help coordinate all the parts and be a guide. The rest is up to the other adults involved. This goes along with my "It's not about me," mantra, which I have to repeat daily, almost hourly with all that goes on in this life.
So in the spirit of my mantra, the snow happened because it was cold--not because I was supposed to have a meeting today. The schools were cancelled not to make my day crazy but to ensure the safety of all children in our county. The nasty cold I had all weekend didn't linger just to piss me off but to slow me down and force me to take care of myself (...but...but I was doing that by running and rowing everyday...can't ya cut a girl a break?!). Now that I have
Thanks for reading!
Patiently Waiting for Spring
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